Friday 4 May 2012


I used many technologies to create the promotional campaign:

  • Research into psychological horror genre film poster and trailers.
  • Research into film magazine front cover codes and conventions.
  • Using Blogspot

Digital Camera
  • Taking pictures for our anamatic
  • Taking pictures for the front cover of my film magzine
  • Taking pictures for my film poster

Adobe Indesign
  • Creating and designing my film magzine front cover
  • Creating and designing my film poster

Video Camera
  • Filming the trailer
  • Using it with the editing equiptment

Painshop Pro
  • Enhancing photos for my film poser and front cover of my film magazine
  • Removing background

  • Uploading pictues and videos
  • Writing and updating progress throughout the course
  • Displaying research 


All three products; the film trailer, film magazine front cover and film poster include and focus on the main iconic image of the main character holding a bloody cricket bat and film name.


My film magazine front cover promotes the film by:
  • Competition to win V.I.P  tickets to see our film Two Faced.
  • Main image- Iconic image of the main character holding the weapon (bloody cricket bat)
  • 'Uk's best selling film magazine' suggests the magazine is prestigious.


My film poster promotes the film by:
  • Main image- Lead character holding the iconic image of the trailer the bloody cricket bat.
  • Website
  • Relase date
  • Tagline
  • Billing block
  • Actors names


Aspects of critical theory that can be linked to the characters in our trailer are Propp's theory of character functions for example our trailer includes a villain, victim, helper etc these characters conform to the roles suggested by Propp. Also with regards to feminism we have created as female character who is suggested to be a murderer this goes against the conventional view of a vulnerable caring female in psychological horror films.

Thursday 3 May 2012


The key themes of our trailer are:

  • Murder 
  • Revenge
  • Bullying
  • Family
  • Violence
  • Mystery 
  • 'Who done it?'
  • Suspense 


We constructed the representation of the main characters in our trailer in many ways: showing the good/bad relationships between the characters, costume, behavior and body language, mis-en-scene, dialogue etc. The representation of Harry the main male character being bullied shows him as weak and vulnerable which challenges conventions of having a strong lead male character. Also Harry's mothers character is suggested to be the villain this also challenges conventions of a psychological horror where women are seen as vulnerable or 'needing to be saved'. This character shows a female washing blood off her and and dragging a dead body, suggesting she committed the violent acts and is covering her tracks.


We showed our trailer to a select audience of people within our target audience which is between 15-24 years old. The majority of our audience said that they would pay to go and see the film. They agreed that our trailer was an effective promotional device for the film. They identified the two main characters as Harry and his mum which is correct, this shows the characters were well established and represented throughout the trailer. The audience recognized the trailer as being within the horror genre, which is one of the chosen genres we were trying to represent. They understood how the sound effects and music created meaning in the trailer e.g, fear, suspense etc. The audience also thought the setting and mis-en-scene was effective because the settings such as school, home and family life were relevant to their own lives. Also this mis-en-scene and the age range of the characters shown in the trailer appealed to them because it reflected age group of the target audience.

After viewing the trailer the audience recognized the plot we were trying to suggest, this was effective because we deliberately mislead that audience into thinking that the mother was the killer when it was actually Harry. This shows we successfully displayed the narrative and plot that we wanted the audience to recognize without exposing the real story so that when they went to see the film there would still he an element of mystery and surprise.


The audience would consume our trailer through a variation of different media platforms. They could view it in the cinema, on the internet in the form of advertisement on video websites such a YouTube. Also on the internet via the films website 'www.twofacedofficial' which is shown on my film poster, film magazine front cover and in the trailer.


The genre of our trailer is psychological horror. The split personality/schizophrenia presented in the main character (Harry) and the question of who the villain actually is gives our trailer psychological elements because it makes the audience think and question who the villain is, this was apparent in our audience viewing of the trailer. Horror is represented in our trailer through the graphic murders in the trailer, for example in two of the murders you can see the victims blood and you see all three of the victims dead bodies.

final draft of my film magazine front cover


Unconventional aspects of our trailer was that it suggested a male victim and a female villan whereas horror films are conventionally represent a female victim and male villan. Using an everyday object such as a cricket bat as the main iconic image and weapon is also unconventional beacuase its not an object associated with violnce and murder. Also we used handy cam shots to represent the video diaries which are not common in psychological horror trailers.


In comparison with real media output our trailer uses conventional themes for example intertitles throughout, sound efffects and conventional horror themed music.The film title 'Two Faced' ae also conventional. This is the billing block I created to be used in the trailer, film poster and film magazine front cover.

    SCREAM STUDIOS presents a GLOBAL VIDEO production.
              ‘TWO FACED’  A film by Loz WILLIAMS
       Starring Dan ASHTON Nathan HOLLEY  Will GLENN
      Niamah HADDOW excecutive producer Michael NEWTON
      Story by Loz WILLIAMS. Screenplay by Marshall CONNELLY
       Music by Frankie WESSON Directed by Graham HOWARD.

Other conventional aspects of our trailer were the film name logo and the 'Scream studios' logo that are both used in the trailer. Both use concvetional colours eg, black white and red. This colour scheme is also continued in my film poster and film magazine front colour.

second draft of my film magazine front cover

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Anamatic Evaluation

I have chosen 5 key images to show how our anamatic relates to and creates meaning for our target audience:

These pictures represent our target audience as many of them will be students. We see Nathan on his way to school on his own which highlights the isolation relating to the bulling we see. The target audience of 16-24 may be able to relate to the bullying scenes because they may have had experience with it at school. We also see a group of friends in a classroom laughing and in a canteen. All these photos represent our age group and experiences of our target audience.

Anamatic Evaluation

During the process of making our anamatic we uploaded our pictures onto the computer and edited the timing and effects of each photo using the editing software. Some shots needed more time than others, to create effect with some shots were very short like a flash. For our titles we studied conventions from real horror/thriller/psychological films e.g. Paranormal Activity 3. Due to technical difficulties we were unable to record sound to use in our anamatic, we created a script and discussed music to create effect especially when the editing pace increases at the end. Our completed anamatic appeals to its target audience by the age of the actors used our target audience is between mostly male 16-24 and all the actors were students between the ages of 17-18. The lead character is male relating to our target audience. The setting of our school also relates to the younger age range of our audience who are likely to be in or just left education.
When making our actual trailer i would like to add music, sound effects and a voice over, but generally keep the narrative and editing similar. I took the majority of the photographs for our anamatic, and filled in as an extra when we needed someone i also uploaded all the photos onto the editing software and put them in the order we need to use them and added some effects. I also created the inter titles and added them to the sequence, i will be doing much of the same in contribution to our moving image trailer.

Monday 2 January 2012

Animatic Evaluation

An animatic is a storyboard of photographs played in a video with sound effects/music played over it. The functions are to get an idea of what the video you want to produce will look like, in our case or our film trailer we needed to see what shots we would use. To decide on order, what sound to use, how many shots to use and to make a basic plan of what our trailer will look like. The process involved taking photographs of all the shots we wish to use in out trailer and making a slideshow of the pictures. In order to achieve this we used digital cameras and learned how to use the editing software on the computer in school. We created and developed the narrative for our animatic by drawing a storyboard of all the pictures we wanted to take and planning the locations, characters, time etc that we needed to take the photos.
When creating our storyboard we took into account the fact that our shots had to be realistic so there were very few changes from the shots we sketched to the pictures we used in the finished animatic. Also many of our photos turned out better than we had planned. Our storyboard helped to organize our schedule because we were able to plan dates and times to take photos at different locations. We took all the photos we needed at school in one day when we were all available, and took the other photos outside school and at the house we are using as one of the sets in our trailer, in order to save time and get all of our pictures done efficiently.
We had 2 different photo shoots, one in school as some of our trailer is set in a high school including scenes with other students and in classrooms, and one in Lauren's house. As a member of our group we are using her house as one of the main sets for our trailer, because its easier to use one of our houses and it's close to school. All of our group were used as actors, Nathan as the main character, and the others of us as small secondary characters so it didn't interfere with our input into the making of our animatic. Other characters used were pupils at our school as we needed a large number of students and they were available at the time.

This poster displays the same style we want to use, the theme of a video camera recording, documentary style image. We will be using these type of shot in our trailer.

These posters again conform to the red,white and black colour scheme for horror/psychological/thriller film posters. Many examples i have looked at follow the conventions of a plain black background with one main image and red/white titles. Also many posters ask the viewer a question or gives a statement that plays on their fears, which engages them into the idea of the film and may make them want to see the film. Conventional main images seem to be of a weapon or iconic image from the film which hints at violence but doesn't display it boldly. This is shown in the examples i have chosen.

Sunday 1 January 2012

This film poster uses the natural mis-en-scene to create a characters face, leading the audience to question whether the character is real or imaginative. However the red writing 'It's Not Your Imagination' leads the audience to question themselves again. This creates a code of enigma, therefore the audience would want to see the film to answer the questions the poster creates. This poster uses the lead actress Sandra Bullock as it's unique selling point. Also showing the target audience for this poster will know who she is because of other films she has done. The simple colour scheme of red, white and black is often use in horror and psychological film posters. As black can represent the villan, white can be associated with the hero and red with murder, death, blood and other events which usually take place in films. I think this poster is an effective promotional device for the film, as it intrigues the audience, making them ask questions so they will want to see the film to get answers.

research for our poster

I think this poster is good because it focuses on a key image from the film, it uses symbolism to show the genre and hints at the narrative of abuse and characters involved eg. a stepfather and a child. The black background puts more emphasis on the main image and the red title, this poster works as a good promotional device for the film.