Wednesday 4 January 2012

Anamatic Evaluation

During the process of making our anamatic we uploaded our pictures onto the computer and edited the timing and effects of each photo using the editing software. Some shots needed more time than others, to create effect with some shots were very short like a flash. For our titles we studied conventions from real horror/thriller/psychological films e.g. Paranormal Activity 3. Due to technical difficulties we were unable to record sound to use in our anamatic, we created a script and discussed music to create effect especially when the editing pace increases at the end. Our completed anamatic appeals to its target audience by the age of the actors used our target audience is between mostly male 16-24 and all the actors were students between the ages of 17-18. The lead character is male relating to our target audience. The setting of our school also relates to the younger age range of our audience who are likely to be in or just left education.
When making our actual trailer i would like to add music, sound effects and a voice over, but generally keep the narrative and editing similar. I took the majority of the photographs for our anamatic, and filled in as an extra when we needed someone i also uploaded all the photos onto the editing software and put them in the order we need to use them and added some effects. I also created the inter titles and added them to the sequence, i will be doing much of the same in contribution to our moving image trailer.

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