Sunday 1 January 2012

This film poster uses the natural mis-en-scene to create a characters face, leading the audience to question whether the character is real or imaginative. However the red writing 'It's Not Your Imagination' leads the audience to question themselves again. This creates a code of enigma, therefore the audience would want to see the film to answer the questions the poster creates. This poster uses the lead actress Sandra Bullock as it's unique selling point. Also showing the target audience for this poster will know who she is because of other films she has done. The simple colour scheme of red, white and black is often use in horror and psychological film posters. As black can represent the villan, white can be associated with the hero and red with murder, death, blood and other events which usually take place in films. I think this poster is an effective promotional device for the film, as it intrigues the audience, making them ask questions so they will want to see the film to get answers.

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