Thursday 3 May 2012


We showed our trailer to a select audience of people within our target audience which is between 15-24 years old. The majority of our audience said that they would pay to go and see the film. They agreed that our trailer was an effective promotional device for the film. They identified the two main characters as Harry and his mum which is correct, this shows the characters were well established and represented throughout the trailer. The audience recognized the trailer as being within the horror genre, which is one of the chosen genres we were trying to represent. They understood how the sound effects and music created meaning in the trailer e.g, fear, suspense etc. The audience also thought the setting and mis-en-scene was effective because the settings such as school, home and family life were relevant to their own lives. Also this mis-en-scene and the age range of the characters shown in the trailer appealed to them because it reflected age group of the target audience.

After viewing the trailer the audience recognized the plot we were trying to suggest, this was effective because we deliberately mislead that audience into thinking that the mother was the killer when it was actually Harry. This shows we successfully displayed the narrative and plot that we wanted the audience to recognize without exposing the real story so that when they went to see the film there would still he an element of mystery and surprise.

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