Friday 4 May 2012


I used many technologies to create the promotional campaign:

  • Research into psychological horror genre film poster and trailers.
  • Research into film magazine front cover codes and conventions.
  • Using Blogspot

Digital Camera
  • Taking pictures for our anamatic
  • Taking pictures for the front cover of my film magzine
  • Taking pictures for my film poster

Adobe Indesign
  • Creating and designing my film magzine front cover
  • Creating and designing my film poster

Video Camera
  • Filming the trailer
  • Using it with the editing equiptment

Painshop Pro
  • Enhancing photos for my film poser and front cover of my film magazine
  • Removing background

  • Uploading pictues and videos
  • Writing and updating progress throughout the course
  • Displaying research 


All three products; the film trailer, film magazine front cover and film poster include and focus on the main iconic image of the main character holding a bloody cricket bat and film name.


My film magazine front cover promotes the film by:
  • Competition to win V.I.P  tickets to see our film Two Faced.
  • Main image- Iconic image of the main character holding the weapon (bloody cricket bat)
  • 'Uk's best selling film magazine' suggests the magazine is prestigious.


My film poster promotes the film by:
  • Main image- Lead character holding the iconic image of the trailer the bloody cricket bat.
  • Website
  • Relase date
  • Tagline
  • Billing block
  • Actors names


Aspects of critical theory that can be linked to the characters in our trailer are Propp's theory of character functions for example our trailer includes a villain, victim, helper etc these characters conform to the roles suggested by Propp. Also with regards to feminism we have created as female character who is suggested to be a murderer this goes against the conventional view of a vulnerable caring female in psychological horror films.

Thursday 3 May 2012


The key themes of our trailer are:

  • Murder 
  • Revenge
  • Bullying
  • Family
  • Violence
  • Mystery 
  • 'Who done it?'
  • Suspense 


We constructed the representation of the main characters in our trailer in many ways: showing the good/bad relationships between the characters, costume, behavior and body language, mis-en-scene, dialogue etc. The representation of Harry the main male character being bullied shows him as weak and vulnerable which challenges conventions of having a strong lead male character. Also Harry's mothers character is suggested to be the villain this also challenges conventions of a psychological horror where women are seen as vulnerable or 'needing to be saved'. This character shows a female washing blood off her and and dragging a dead body, suggesting she committed the violent acts and is covering her tracks.