Wednesday 5 October 2011

Last Day In School- my story idea for our trailer

                                Last Day In School

There’s always been a rumour about a twelve year old girl who died in the devastating 1961 fire in King Henry School. Cleaners at the school have reported sightings of an unknown figure in the girls toilets on the third floor and the surrounding corridors. Strange happenings have occurred after hours in the school, objects moving on their own and possessions going missing. Most have been passed off as speculation and rumours.
It’s 2011 and today is the last day of year 11 for best friends Jay and Ella. Jay has saved up all year to buy a new video camera and hasn’t stopped filming everything since he got it. “Okay Jay you can stop filming me now, you’ve been videoing people all day” said Ella. Jay replied “Yeah I know, I got some really nice goodbye video messages from everyone”. Before Ella had the chance to reply the final bell of the day went and a smile came across everyone’s face in their class even their teacher Mr. Lane who was miserable at the best of times. Ella and Jay happily left the classroom and walked on and out of the school doors for the last time. A few moments later Ella said “Oh wait Jay, I left my phone in Mr. Lane’s room”, He Replied “Ah trust you, yeah come on lets go back”. They went back into the school and up the stairs to the third floor. Jay said “Hey Ella, do you remember the story about that girl who died in the fire like fifty years ago, they say her spirit still roams the halls” she replied “Yeah you know that’s not actually true. I heard the old cleaner that reported those sightings was a bit on the weird side anyway”. They both laughed and kept walking side by side. Then they passed their history teach Mr. Smith in the corridor, exchanged smiles and went on their way. As they entered Mr. Lane’s empty classroom to get Ella’s phone she said “I never liked Mr. Smith his classroom was always kinds creepy”. Jay said “yeah I get what you mean, almost spooky”. Ella found her phone and they walked out of the classroom, while Jay turned on his camera again and started to film he turned and walked away. Ella took one last look back at her maths room and noticed the door was shut, when she was sure she left it open. She asked Jay if he closed it. He said “No I didn’t close it, I heard it shut I thought you did. Oh well it probably just swung shut on it’s own”. She dismissed it and they carried on down the corridor. As they went past the girl toilets they could hear a strange noise coming from inside. Ella went in to check but there was no one there. She was starting to feel uneasy and said to Jay “okay lets just go this is freaking me out a bit”, “yeah me too” he replied. So they quickly made their way down the stairs along the corridor and to the front entrance, the automatic doors were shut and didn’t open when they walked up to it. Jay tried pushing one of the doors open but it wouldn’t move. He said “What’s going on?, lets go out the back exit”, Ella could sense the fear in his voice so they  quickly paced through the corridor and rushed to open the back door but it was locked. Ella said “Why are the doors locked, they haven’t close school yet, have they?” Jay said “I don’t think so, there’s no other way out, what are we going to do?”. They heard a bang from the room behind them and the lights flashed and turned off. Ella screamed and Jay’s breathing became heavy, they stood next too each other in silence and Jay turned the night vision on his camera which was still recording. “Oh my god, it was today” Jay said, Ella asked “what do you mean what was today”, he replied “The fire it was exactly fifty years ago today”. Ella gasped and said “You don’t think those rumour are actually true do you?”.

the poster from The Descent, the trailer i have analysed as part of my research